This section allows you to try out new and improved technology of the OurGrid. Such as:
Java API for virtual machine managers. Enables the JAVA developer to manage VMs of different supervisors in an uniform fashion by a well-defined interface. Currently supports Virtual Box and VServer.
The OurGrid Status is a web page that exposes the current status of an OurGrid community. You can check out the deployed version for our community
Worker Admin is a Worker Administration Tool. It allows the site administrator to manage all workers, remotely sign certificates and execute SSH commands via a web page.
The aggregator is used to gather historical data from all Peers. It is a central component that connects to a Discovery Service and gathers data to a database that contains general grid information such as executed jobs, workers in use, etc.
The Certificate Requester enables an end user to have a Worker's certificate automatically issued by the Peer's private key, or even to have a ready-to-install Worker package. It's mostly useful for voluntary Peers' deployment.
A discrete-event simulator for OurGrid, designed for scalability and extensibility.
The REST Broker API is a service that allows to: Submit a job; Get a status list of all submitted jobs to the broker; Get the job status specified by the id; Cancel a job specified by the id; Clean a finished job filtered by id
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OurGrid adaptor for JSAGA, a Java implementation of the Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA) specification from the Open Grid Forum (OGF).
OurGrid Portal is a web tool to submit OurGrid jobs through the browser, with a simpler interface to new users. You can check out the deployed version for our community
OurGrid has been producing a lot of data since December 2008 about everything that happens in the grid. This project aims to build a web 2.0 tool to allow OurGrid users to query these information. The interface implements data warehouse tools features like drill down and drill up operations in several dimensions.