To make OurGrid a reality demands a great deal of research effort, most of which has been made by the Distributed System Laboratory of the Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil. This has been possible thanks to the cooperation between the HP Brazil R&D and the LSD; a cooperation that began in 2003. The LSD and the UFCG are grateful to the HP Brazil for the financial support provided through the benefits granted by the Brazilian "".
The success of OurGrid has also made it an interesting system for other research groups to validate their ideas – which have been developed either in cooperation with the OurGrid original creators, or independently. Moreover, as a tool, OurGrid has enabled people to do research (not necesserily in Computer Science) that would not have been possible (or at least would be far more costly) before.
Should you want an overview of the system, the best paper to read is Labs of the World, Unite!!!, published in 2006 in the Journal of Grid Computing. The paper highlights which users would benefit the most from OurGrid, bringing into discussion the underlying principles that have been taken into account when designing and implementing the system. For an overview of the current state of affairs and highlights on future directions, please have a look at the Developer's Corner Section.
You can find listed below all OurGrid-related publications that we know of. To make the browsing experience easier, these publications have been classified by subject.
If you know of any OurGrid-related publication that has not been listed here, please let us know by sending an email to contact ourgrid.org!
Here you can find a BibTeX file with the references for these publications.
[top] OurGrid's Architecture
An Approach for the Co-existence of Service and Opportunistic Grids: The EELA-2 Case [Abstract & BibTeX]
Latin-American Grid Workshop, 2008
Peer-to-peer Grid Computing with the OurGrid Community [Abstract & BibTeX]
Proceedings of SBRC'2005 (Tools Session)
MyGrid: A complete solution for Running Bag-of-Tasks Applications [Abstract & BibTeX]
Proceedings of SBRC'2004 (Tools Session)
Grid Computing for Bag of Tasks Applications [Abstract & BibTeX]
Proceedings of IFIP CE3'2003
[top] Incentive Mechanism
Using a Simple Prioritisation Mechanism to Effectively Interoperate Service and Opportunistic Grids
Submitted to the Journal of Grid Computing (Special Issue on EGEE)
OurGrid: An Approach to Easily Assemble Grids with Equitable Resource Sharing [Abstract & BibTeX]
Proceedings of the JSSPP'2003
[top] Scheduling
[top] Infrastructure
Non-Dedicated Distributed Environment: A Solution for Safe and Continuous Exploitation of Idle Cycles [Abstract & BibTeX]
Proceedings of the Workshop on Adaptive Grid Middleware, 2003
[top] Grid Management and Monitoring
Independently Auditing Service Level Agreements in the Grid [Abstract & BibTeX]
Proceedings of HP OVUA'2004
[top] Applications
[top] Distributed Software Engineering
Using AOP to Bring a Project Back in Shape: The OurGrid Case [Abstract & BibTeX]
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 2006
Using the Computational Grid to Speed up Software Testing [Abstract & BibTeX]
Proceedings of SBES'2007 (Tools session)
[top] Publications in languages other than English
Compartilhamento Eficiente de Dados Ambientais em um Ambiente Distribuído
Anais do VI Workshop de Computação em Grade e Aplicações, 2008
Um portifolio de segurança para um sistema de grade entre pares de livre entrada
Anais do IV Workshop de Computação em Grade e Aplicações, 2008
Uma Arquitetura de Redes Virtuais para um Grid Aberto e Seguro
Anais do VIII Workshop de Teste e Tolerância a Falhas, 2007
Uma heurística de particionamento de carga divisível para grids computacionais
Anais do SBRC'2006
Usando Grades Computacionais na Melhoria da Gestão de Recursos Hídricos
Anais do Workshop de Aplicações de Computação Paralela para o Governo (ParGov), 2006